Know What Causes Cannabis in Anxiety and Depression

Medical use of Marijuana can be helpful in multiple sclerosis, cancer, AIDS, glaucoma and chronic pain management. Not a great idea, particularly if you suffer from depression and stress. There are numerous Researches into effect that marijuana has on us but the results are contradictive. A number of them say that marijuana may have some, an effect it might cause panic attacks and depression, your anxiety or paranoia, psychosis and schizophrenia. The remarks vary between asserting that cannabis become a stimulant or may have an effect. The information is Confusing because cannabis is extremely drug with side-effects that are individual. Here are just some of these:

  • It affects Short-term memory, concentration and motor function;
  • Impacts limbic region of the brain that is responsible for your emotions and behavior;
  • Distorts perception;
  • trigger difficulties in problem solving;
  • Makes you more vulnerable to infections, impacts your cardiovascular and respiratory system;
  • Lowers the frequency of your alpha brain waves that usually lets you go into condition of light relaxation.
  • Though it is unclear if marijuana causes psychological problems, worsens them helps together, there are a few facts that we know and can draw conclusions from:
  • At least 10 percent of Young smokers of marijuana develop psychosis;
  • Marijuana raises your risk of psychiatric disease by 30 percent;
  • Cannabis predisposes one to schizophrenia and can result in a relapse in those people who are already schizophrenic;
  • Cannabis is linked to anxiety and panic attacks, paranoia and depression.

Now we know some of a few of the studies and the side-effects results and it seems like marijuana usage is not good if you have experience panic attacks or anxiety problem. Frequency of waves in charge of your ability to relax does not help and navigate to this site for more details.

What about its effect on melancholy?

Well, in depression your brain chemistry is messed as motor functions and your emotions in line with this list of depression symptoms. Although there is no prove that marijuana causes or worsens your depression, it seems like it does not help. You add up to the issues so you have got to work to fight your depression you experience.